Thursday, February 27, 2014

Chemo- and all is well!

Today was another BIG day. Not just big but HUGE!!!!!!

We showed up to the center at 8:00 for my appointment. I was completely ready for my long day. I knew what basically was in store for the day. And I felt as ready as I could possibly be (which, lets be honest, was not super ready! Haha). So the nurse pulled me back and gets my vitals and tells me oh P.s. we are not doing chemo today. BAH!!!!!!! I got so so So grouchy, and then the nurse tried to talk to me for like 10 minutes later. I was a little bit of a jerk. I would not look at her and I just wanted her to leave. Don't worry, I saw the errors in my ways and apologized later in the day.

The PA comes in next to talk about what is going to happen in my Bone Marrow Biopsy. He started talking and went right into the risks of chemotherapy like we were going to do it today. So we asked and he said "to my knowledge that is what we are doing but let me go check with Dr. Dickson.". He comes back and tells me that we are doing it ALL IN ONE DAY! just as I thought, and just as planned. HOORAY! He told me there was never a patient to be excited to do chemo before. Haha. I was just prepared, my parents were going to be with me, and if they would have put it off for a week then my parental units would be in California at the happiest place in the world.

My mom came back with me to do the Bone Marrow Biopsy. They accessed my newly inserted port, drugged me up, and laid me down on the table. I have read blogs where when they inserted the port and did the biopsy of the bone marrow that the patient/blogger cannot remember a thing about the procedure. I was not that lucky. I can remember every sound and every silly thought that came into my head. But I was not in pain (I love modern medicine).

After that was finished we all headed back to the chemo room. I sat down and got comfy in my little cubicle. I got to cuddle in a breast cancer awareness blanket, so that was fun. I ate some pretzels and sun chips. Drank a coke. Ate some butterscotch candies as the chemo drugs where being pushed. It really was a good day. I have handled it like a champ.. like a sometimes crying champ.

When we got home my phone was blowing up with love (have I mentioned how incredibly blessed I am?) and my aunt made a surprise visit bearing gifts! She brought some paper plates and plastic utensils so we don't have to do dishes, some blue Gatorade (H2O) Gatorade, a Disney music player for my little princess, and some superman pjs. It had a sweet card and was signed by all of my dads sweet sisters (who I love dearly!).

I also received a package from my big sister from far away land of sparks. It was so sweet. In it was a water bottle that has a wide mouth that fits ice cubes and ice chips! It came really handy when chemo started. I love it. It also had the cutest cards I have ever seen AND gel pens. I freaking love GEL PENS! I think it may be something with my generation, something that I Don't quite understand but I still love love LOVE THEM!

Today was a good day. I am slightly nauseous and a little sleepy but I have drugs for that.

Heavenly Father has blessed me tremendously. I keep learning of new things that have been blessings. For example both my ENT and Oncologist have a forever waiting list and I just jumped right in. Jude has been a champ at taking a bottle! Those are some ways that I have been blessed. I know that if I keep my faith in Him and in my Savior I will be alright. I will be blessed immensely. The Gospel is great. I am so thankful for the knowledge I have. I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father.

P.s. my parents are fantastic. If you don't know them you are sorely missing out!

Until I know more!


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