Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tomorrow a Port.

Today is essentially the last day of normalcy before my life flips upside down. I have had many phone calls today from the cancer institution telling me a whole lot of stuff. So my FIRST call from them was say that my insurance came through and I can start chemotherapy on Thursday.

The SECOND call I had today was to tell me what stage I am in. Dr. Dickson said "I have just been giddy since I saw the PET scan results! Its 2b!". HOORAY! This is great news. But now we also have to do a BONE MARROW NEEDLE DRAW to see if the cancer is in the bone marrow. If it is not then we will move on like planned. If it is we will have to change my course of treatment plan.

The THIRD phone call I received was asking me if I have yet had a port put in or a picc line placed. Which I have not. I have been WAITING to find out what to do.. Then she said she would work on getting me in to get a port placed and she would call me back.

Number FOUR phone call came in and she told me that she set me up at noon tomorrow to get my port placed. BAH! I am so nervous. But it will be pretty cool to be a little bit like a CYBORG!!

The FIFTH call came from a man who worked at the hospital and explained the whole procedure to me and told me that I could not eat anything solid after 6 am and no drinks after 11 am. That's going to be rough because I LOVE to eat. Its one of my most favorite pastimes.

Anyways. I feel as if I have been hit by a BUS of EMOTION and CANCER is the DRIVER.

The good thing about this all is that I am finally on the road to getting better. We will start with the port tomorrow and the chemo Thursday. The ball will be rolling. This girl will get better.

I have the most support that anyone could ever ask/hope for! I am one lucky girl!

Until I know more!



  1. Wow! A CYBORG! That's freakin AWESOME! :)
    My husband (a nurse) says the port will be WAYYYYYY worth it. So glad that you are able to face this with such a happy spirit.

  2. You have such an upbeat attitude about all of this! You're an inspiration! :)

  3. Thanks for sharing Emily! I know we are all praying for you and thinking about you and your cute family! Good luck this week! XOXO

  4. So glad it's only 2b! We love you!
