Wednesday, February 26, 2014

And So There Was A Port.

Today I went and got my port "installed". So now I am officially a CYBORG.

I woke up at 8:00am and got my house cleaned. I could not eat so I was doing about anything I could do to take my mind off the port. Because frankly I was a little scarred about the procedure. My parents arrived at 11:00am. They brought me some frozen easy meals that won't take but a minute to heat up and eat. At 11:30 Brandon came home and soon after my mother in law came to babysit my tiny children.

We arrive at the hospital and check in. Waited about for 5 minutes in the waiting room when my nurse Kristine comes out to get me. Brandon and I follow her back to the pre op/post op room. She hooks me up to an IV (the most hurty IV I have EVER had in all of my 25 years!) and goes over the procedure once more with me. After she was done we waited around for the Dr. who is doing the surgery. Took about an hour. My mom and Brandon switched places and after my mom arrived the Dr. arrived. He had me sign some consent forms and then they wheeled me into the procedure room..

Things went well. The medicine did its job. And now I have a port. And it is not comfy. I am in a little bit of pain. But all is great! I know that this is the best option to administer the chemo tomorrow and throughout my treatments.


Until I know more!



  1. Emily, I am glad that you are so optimistic through all of this. The Lord will be with you and your family! He loves you, and will not forget you! If you need anything at all please let me know, someone to watch kiddos for a few hours, meals, someone to talk with, whatever it may be please let me know!! 403-1178 I am routing for you and your family! You are amazing, and so incredibly strong!! Keep that smile on your face, this is but a small trial in this tiny part of our lives. The Lord has an amazing plan for you!

  2. Emily,
    What a shock to hear. You are such a special young lady. Our prayers and our thoughts will be with you and your family. God bless you more than ever.
    Love Ya!

  3. Emily,
    Your blog is such an inspiration and strength. Your positive attitude and humble outlook on life is to be commended. Know that you're in our thoughts and prayers and that we love you so much. I know that we never really got to know each other very well, but I feel like working with you in Junior Miss was one of my favorite memories during that year. I hope you and your family feel our love and prayers. We will be reading and keeping updated with your life through this blog. Thank you for sharing your story. It will be cherished beyond measure. :)
