Thursday, March 27, 2014

Nose Job? Temple, Chemo 2.0 and good news!

Last Thursday I had an appointment with my ENT Dr. Hinckley. It was a follow up from the biopsy to make sure that I was healing correctly. While I was there he looked at my scar and said it looked wonderful! Then he looked at the dissolvable stitches from installing the port and was so mad! There were two stitches that the surrounding skin was irritated and red. So he grabbed some sterile instruments and pulled them out. He was grouchy that they left them in so long, with them being irritated, and that it will cause more scaring. He is such a sweet man!
He was finishing my exam when he looked up my nose. My nose apparently deviates to the right and that can cause major headaches and serious and constant sinus infections (welcome to my life). He suggested that after I beat cancer to have surgery to correct the deviation. He said "while I am in there we could do a nose job if you want" or something to that effect. I am not sure how I feel. I love my Jones nose. I may not have always and I may have just gotten over my large nose complex but I love it now. I have a obvious feature from my Grandpa and I am not sure if I want to part ways with it. But its a possibility? That's so weird. Haha

Yesterday I was feeling pretty great! My little sister texted me and asked if I wanted to go to the temple with her. I SO DID! I have been feeling like I needed to go and this was the perfect opportunity! My dear sweet sister in law and older brother watched Paisley and Jude so I could go. I love the Gospel. Its so wonderful to have the truth and the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation I have. I am so blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You can find out more about LDS here:

Amy and Me at the TEMPLE! (she has the cutest baby bump of all time!!)

Today I had Chemotherapy round 2! I was scheduled to meet with my Dr. today, but because Dr. Dickson only comes down Mondays and Wednesdays I was scheduled to talk to Dr. Hancock. Which didn't happen either because they double booked him and I was the one who was bumped to the P.A. I Love the P.A. Jed, I was just expecting something different. He told us some good, NO, GREAT news today. I was under the impression that I would do 4 rounds of Chemo and then a PET scan to see if the cancer has gone away and if it has then we will do two more rounds just to make sure. Today Jed told us that we would have a PET scan after this round (#2) before the next (#3) and if it is gone we will only have to do 2 more (round #3 and #4)!!! That lessens my treatment by 2 entire months! Instead of being done in August we could be done in June if everything goes according to plan!!!! HOORAY! That would be wonderful! I would be such a happy camper! (k, I love camping, so I am always a happy camper unless I'm 9 months pregnant, like last summer..)
Chemo went fine today! It was not as busy as last time so I was out a lot quicker. There was this little old couple across from me and they looked just like a cartoon and I wanted to keep them. SO So cute!

That's All FOLKS!!!

Until I know more!


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