Friday, March 7, 2014

Never Alone

Ever since I was diagnosed with cancer everyone has been worried about me. Worried about my health, my sanity, and my physical abilities. When I say everybody I include myself. There has rarely been a day when I have not had help for about 3 weeks. All the surgeries and the chemotherapy have left me feeling exhausted and achy. EVERY DAY I have to fight the urge to crawl in bed and stay there. But I have little ones who need me and I sure am thankful that they do.

Today has been a normal day. Normal is a relative term. Today I was Mom. I was not "Mom who is taking a nap" or "Mom who is too sick to hold you" or "Mom who can't raise her arms to get you a drink of milk". Today I was Mom. It was like every other day prior to my diagnosis. I braided Paisleys hair like Anna from Frozen. We built a "tower" out of blankets. I even vacuumed the floor and tidied up the house. We had a normal day. It was fantastic and quite an accomplishment.

But I did not do it alone or without help. Because if I do not have another adult helping me out I am not alone. I have help. I AM NEVER ALONE. My Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ never fail to give me a lending hand. I know that I achieved a normal day because I was blessed with a perfectly wonderful normal day with my children. I cannot and will not take that for granted. I have to give credit where credit is due. I am in awe at the presence of my Savior that I feel in my daily life. Maybe this is a blessing from the cancer. That I am seeing His hand in everything. That I am growing closer and becoming a better person because of the trials placed before me.

Until I know more!


1 comment:

  1. You are seriously amazing! I know that I have not gone through anything like what you are going through by ANY means...But I have to say that until Dan left last year I was not close to the Lord. It took that huge trial and many rough days and days where I had to get out of bed because Crew needed me. The Lord was with me the entire way, and has never left my side. I am SO much stronger and grateful for the trial that I had to go through so that I could be as close to him as I am now. You amaze me with every post you write. Keep it up!!
